Residential Electricity Supply Status:
Due to recent residential regulation updates, CQI has put our residential supply services on hold and is not offering it at this time.
We will re-evaluate in the Spring.
How To Lower Your Monthly Utility Bill
CQI Associates provides the best residential energy consulting services including competitive rates’ negotiation, based on the volume of homes the co-op brings to the supplier, through a purchasing cooperative.
The local utility companies (shown in list below) continue to distribute power to co-op members’ homes, maintain the lines and read the meters. In case of an outage, they are responsible for the restoration of your services.
Nothing related to your billing except the supply pricing will change. You continue to receive one bill from the utility company.
Clients on Budget Billing and Peak Rewards can remain on those programs. In addition, there will be no changes if you are enrolled in a program created by your utility related to the distribution of power to your home, or a program managing the power (e.g. special thermostat).
Lower Your Utility Costs in 3 Easy Steps!
- Ameren — 1-800-755-5000
- BGE — 410-685-0123
- ComEd — 1-800-334-7661
- DELMARVA — 1-800-375-7117
- MET-ED — 1-800-545-7741
- PECO — 1-800-494-4000
- PENELEC — 1-800-545-7741
- PEPCO — 202-833-7500
- Potomac Edison — 1-800-255-3443
- PPL — 1-888-668-4775
- UGI — 1-800-962-1212
2. Click on the Enroll Now button
Once you click “Enroll Now”, you’ll be re-directed to our supplier’s website using a special code that ensures the CQI Co-op rates will be offered. On the first page, choose your utility provider. On the next page, you’ll be asked to choose your rate, length of contract, enter your address and Energy Choice ID number, and confirm your enrollment.
If you want budget billing, be sure to select this option for the new supplier. Even if you have budget billing with the utility, you need to designate budget billing with the new supplier.
Review the application to be sure the rate and length of contract are correct.
The offer is contingent on verification of the address, Energy Choice ID number, and credit with the utility and the supplier.